Story Telling - Project Orange

Here is a chapter from a fiction project that I’ve been working on for a couple of years. I feel super happy with it, how it is going. Please enjoy something different from me. Writing fiction really takes me somewhere different and helps with balancing the chaos in life. Making it that much brighter.

Chapter 10 - Learning Something New

“Hello, Sheriff Joe Speaking.” 

Without skipping a beat, “Sheriff Joe, Terry Hickman! I have some information that might help you with the case. Do you have a secure place we can talk?” Terry takes a sip of his coffee. 

Sheriff Joe gathers his thoughts, “Can we meet at my place? It might look less suspicious.”

Terry chuckles, “Sure, what time works for you?” Without letting Joe respond, “I can come over now if you have time.”  

 Joe reaches for his bottle of whiskey, “Sure that would be fine. I will text you my address.” He twists and opens the cap. 

Terry replies as he gets up out of his chair, “Sounds great. See you soon,” looking for his truck keys to his red Ford F-150. 

“Perfect,” Joe hangs up the phone. Tilts the bottle and watches the brown liquid death fill his glass cup halfway. Joe gets out of his chair and walks over to the window. He unlatches the window seal and lifts it. The fresh air from outside brings life into the office that smelled of cigarettes and whiskey. Joe had been in the office for more than a few hours now going through Bonnie Hickman's files. Joe’s head was foggy and he hoped the fresh air and singing birds would help him reset before chatting with Terry. 

Terry was in the CIA and is reaching his fifteen years as an undercover agent. Injecting himself into groups that were plotting against the government. He works counter terrorism both domestic and international. As an agent, Terry was involvement put him and his family at risk leading to him being pulled off the mission and put into protective hiding. 

Sheriff Joe's phone vibrates on the desk, a text from Terry. Joe walks back to his desk, he forgot to text Terry the address. Joe quickly types the address and hits send. Terry responds with “ETA of twelve minutes.”


Terry pulls into Sheriff Joe’s driveway and parks. He jumps out and slams the door, SMACK!!! Sheriff Joe is standing on the patio smoking a cigarette. 

Terry walks towards the patio, “Joe, how are you?”, Joe takes another deep drag of his Newport, Terry does not hesitate, “Thanks for meeting me on such short notice.” Terry extends his arm for a handshake. 

Joe reaches out and meets his hand firmly and shakes it, “No problem, thanks for offering up some information.” Sheriff Joe takes an even longer drag and exhales the cigarette smoke out his nose. 

Terry waves his hand back and forth breaking up the cloud of smoke in his face, “I won’t lie to you. I have no idea where to start.” Terry steps out of the way of Joe’s cigarette smoke and stands at the top of the patio with him.

Joe, opens up, “This is my first big murder case. The media and everyone in the town is freaking out.” Joe takes another hit from the Newport cigarette. Terry can smell the menthol as he blows the smoke out through his nose. 

Terry turns, “Joe that is why I am here.” Terry's attention is broken by the slowness of a white Honda Civic with black-out windows driving by a few meters away from the house, “Do you usually have cars drive by that slow?” Terry turns back to Joe. 

Joe leans over, lifts his right boot, and smashes the end of the cigarette. Rolls up the filter and places it in his back pocket, “Yea, it is hard to see addresses around here, so you get the car’s slowly looking for the street number on the homes.” 

Terry stuffs his hands in his pockets as if he is missing something, “I must have forgotten my cancer sticks, can I have one of your cigarettes?” Terry pulls out a blue lighter with a clown on it with a red nose and orange hair that’s on both sides of his head and the center was bare-skin. 

Joe has a puzzled look on his face and pulls the pack of Newports out of his back pocket. Flips over the lid and tilts it at Terry. Terry pulls a cigarette out, covers the flame from the lighter with his hand, and flicks it on, lighting the cigarette. With his lungs full of smoke, “I know that you are confused and not sure where to start,” he then lets out a big exhale, and the smoke floods out from his nose and mouth. “Joe I believe I know who did this.”

Joe's face is even more noticeable in how confused he is, “What do you mean that you know who did this?” He starts to feel the urge that he needs another drink. 

Terry takes another drag from the Newport. “We are in hiding, Joe.” He looks up at the blue sky with little to no clouds around. “Last year I got too deep into a mission I was assigned to.” Terry looks down at the ground, “I was tracking a group called Q.” He looks back at Joe, “They were a domestic terrorist in the eyes of the government.” Terry takes another drag and inhales deeply. 

Joe can’t believe what he is hearing. He looks at Terry, “How did they find you?”

Terry clears his throat, “I am not sure.” Terry says with a defeated tone.

Joe's urge for a drink comes on even stronger, “Would you like to come inside and grab some whiskey or coffee?”

Terry gives Joe a small smirk, “I could use both.”

Joe moves towards the front door, and Terry follows behind. Once Terry enters Joe's home he noticed the yellow stains on the blinds and the wallpaper from the cigarette smoke. He sees a few photos on the wall of a young girl in a bathing suit on a tube. There is another one with Joe and her at some kind of formal dance. Joe was in slacks and a black button-up with a silver tie. The young woman had on an all-black dress and her hair was up in a ponytail with a crown around it. 

Terry points to the photo. “This you and your daughter?” Taking a closer look.

Joe looks at the photo and smiles, “Yes this was at her high school prom.”

The father in Terry kicks in, “She is a bright  young girl, Joe.”

Joe looks at the photo and remembers how much she stressed about her dress and makeup, “Thanks, I try my damnedest.” Joe turns and heads toward the kitchen, “So, Terry tell me more about this Q group?”


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